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Saturday, 24 December 2011

Camera Eye

It's been a long, long time since I blogged - in the interim since the Hangover II post (still stand by that), I have signed up to Twitter and found out at the I can't keep up with that either, at least my Fantasy Premier League team is up to date.

I've always wanted to 'do something' with my photography - the arty-farty, potentially pretentious stuff - Ash has a friend who started out trying to post a new photo every day - I'll never manage that! - maybe one a month, but then again I've got something of a back catalogue to work with. No time like the present.

This photo was taken in the Creston Valley on the shores of Kootenay Lake, British Columbia with by Minolta x-300 SLR (not digital, we're talking 1989!). This is a scan of the original print, pretty sure it was Ilford 125 film, but give me a break it was 22 years ago! The photo is called 'Spider', no prizes for spotting why.

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